Sunday 5 June 2016

Love's Awakening

Things can always get better, but they can also always get worse. I died, I came back only to find out that everyone I cared about had died... Except then they came back... Then my ex boyfriend who was a horrific monstrosity died in front of me while I tried to save him and finally I got exiled from my universe by an evil god... However I do appear to have woken up in a rather nice bedroom. Classic storybook princess bedroom. Oh am I a princess? Is that possible?  

"Champion of Love, Catherine Higgins you are awake" It's Lisa and I guess... You're a talking quarterstaff?

"I am The Guardian of Love. I am your servant," That's cool. So, am I a princess suddenly or what?

"Er actually no this castle belonged to the old King and this was his daughters room. They are both dead now. They died when the evil wizard's forces attacked the castle. This place is just an empty place filled with ghosts now," Oh... Well that sucks... Wait... Why did The Evil Wizard just leave the castle alone? That seems like a waste...

"Who knows?" Well this place is mine now. I declare myself Queen of this castle. Now let's go check out my new home...   

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